New order from Rabbalshede Kraft AB of M36 nuts and bolts
These days we cannot choose to focus on sustainability – we simply have to. One of our clients Rabbalshede Kraft AB of Sweden would definitely agree.
With the help of wind turbines they do their part to help the environment and keep things spinning. But knowing all the good that comes from wind turbines while only being certified to last twenty years makes you wonder: isn’t there some way to get them to spin a little while longer – say, ten more years?
In order to achieve that, wind turbine park owners would need to prove that critical components – such as structural bolt joints – could actually last those ten additional years. Being able to measure and monitor the clamp load of such structural bolt joints with TensionCam nuts would significantly contribute in such an approval process. And this would mean that they can minimize previous clamp load issues with blade bolt joints that connect the blades to the wind turbine.
Starting in 2025 Rabbalshede Kraft AB and TensionCam has therefore agreed on a joint pilot project. All blade bolts and nuts in one of their wind turbines will be replaced with TensionCam M36 Blade bolt kit – in total 200 pieces.
Going forward with the partnership, Rabbalshede Kraft AB has shown interest in installing our Remote Monitoring modules, which are currently under development, as the next phase of the project.
”It’s safe to say that we at TensionCam are very excited to see what the future holds”, says CEO of TensionCam Jonas Nilsagård