Additional funding granted from Swedish Wind Power Technology Center

TensionCam Systems AB was in June 2019 granted a first round of fundings from Swedish Wind
Power Technology Center (SWPTC) based at University of Chalmers in Gothenburg. The funding shall
be used in a project developing TensionCam for wind power mill applications.

After a successful first step of development activities in the project a second round of funding was
granted in March 2020.

The SWPTC centre is in turn partly financed by Swedish Energy Agency. Other important participants
in the project are RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and several owners of wind power mills like
Stena Renewables AB, Rabbalshede Kraft AB and the international fastener supplier Bulten AB.

“We are very happy about the additional funding support from SWPTC and the collaboration with the
industrial partners and RISE”, says Jonas Nilsagård, CEO at TensionCam Systems AB. “It will give us
large opportunities to develop and verify the intended user value of the TensionCam concept for
wind power applications”.

For more information, please contact:
Jonas Nilsagård, CEO
M. +46 734 298155